

Our concept

The flow of refugees from Ukraine has prompted us to found a non-profit association to help them and their families in a serious and sustainable way. Seriousness, transparency and voluntary cooperation with governmental and non-profit associations have top priority. Only refugees with “Status S” in Switzerland can cooperate with us in the further steps.

 Our Vereinsstatuten (association statutes – DE) have been established in the meantime, we are now working out the guidelines for the further procedure of our employees in the association.

1. Support of displaced persons after their arrival

Orientation and accompaniment of the arriving refugees by us and our official partners. We are in contact with government agencies, Caritas, the Red Cross and others. The displaced persons should be able to find their way around and “arrive”. Further contacts to psychological counseling and possibly professional psychiatric help should also be established. Also help with childcare and the like. Clarification and information about the legal status. A mutual networking of the refugees in order to process the experiences together is also of essential importance.

2. Help for self help

Accompaniment in the process of reorientation in the host country. Clarification because of the financial status, help in finding a job or integration into the paid work in this here presented association For example, child care, teachers and translators are also needed.

Support in language courses, job search, possibly building projects that should be economically self-sustaining and also build experience and skills for the future in Ukraine. The refugees should be able to support themselves, help themselves and cope with the situation in dignity.

Your children can also be involved in projects when they reach a certain age. Language lessons and possibly internships and apprenticeships, if possible, should also be organized.

Addendum July 2022: onb the page “Ukrainian helper”  you can get to know our helpers in this project..